– Mending Fences is a heartwarming television film that premiered on the Hallmark Channel in 2009. The film stars Laura Leighton and Angie Dickinson, who play a mother and daughter navigating a complex relationship while facing a shared challenge.   

Dickinson’s Powerful Performance

Angie Dickinson delivers a powerful performance as Ruth Hanson, a strong-willed woman who is forced to confront the mistakes of her past. Dickinson’s portrayal of Ruth is both captivating and poignant, as she brings depth and nuance to a character who is both loving and flawed.

A Tale of Redemption and Forgiveness

The film follows Kelly Faraday (Laura Leighton), a successful television reporter who returns to her small hometown of Prosper, Nevada, after being passed over for a promotion. As she reconnects with her estranged mother, Ruth, they must work together to protect their community from a greedy casino developer who threatens to exploit the town’s water supply.   

A Nostalgic and Uplifting Film

Mending Fences is a nostalgic and uplifting film that celebrates the importance of family, community, and environmental conservation. Dickinson’s performance, along with the strong supporting cast, makes this a heartwarming and enjoyable watch. The film’s message of hope and redemption resonates with audiences of all ages.